Dancing with the Muse

“Michael Graves is one of the most truly gifted poets of our time. His insight, wisdom, reflection, optimism, and positive thinking are a true pleasure to enjoy in every stack and stanza.”

Gunther Bedson - Poet/Composer


“The clouds finally part.

And I see you
in the distance
on the mountain above me, waving.
Like some intransigent diamond
set amongst
the rocks of time.

For you have chosen
the vertical trek
where life is win or die.
The holy light of purpose shines
from your eyes, brighter
than the fiercest star, as you climb…”

Excerpt taken from “Mountaineer - to Jaxon”


“There’s something that you have to understand
about dancing with the Muse.
Nothing else

can touch the soul-subsuming
exhilaration of the dance.
But it can also be fatal.

Ask Hemingway or Poe (or a few hundred others)
and they’ll tell you:
’The Muse takes no prisoners.’

”…When I first danced
(truly danced) with the Muse
I never wanted to return to the world.

She brought me to see things
I had never seen. Drew out
expressions I had never before imagined
as she consumed me, bit by bit with
the burning, holy fire.

And she left me with an empty
craving hunger for creation…”

Excerpt taken from “Dancing with the Muse”